Updated SUN mobile number network prefixes


Do you want to know which mobile number network prefix belongs to Sun Cellular network? If you keep on asking to your friends what networks is 0922, 0933, 0934 and other mobile numbers, there is a simple solution that will answer all your questions about network prefixes. Here’s a complete list that you can use to tell what network or SIM belongs to Sun. We all know that they offer promos like call, text and mobile data to their customers.The list is very useful when it comes to calling and texting as not all telecoms offer free interconnection call and text charges. Let me know at the comments below if you find the number you’re looking for is in the list.

This simple article is useful for those who often subscribe to unlimited text or call services. 

In the Philippines, mobile network area codes are composed of three numbers/digits and always start with the number 9. These area codes that represent the service provider. That’s why we’d rather call them mobile number prefixes.

Below is a list of mobile number prefixes used by Sun Cellular.


Sun Cellular
0922 0933
0923 0934
0924 0941
0925 0942
0931 0943
0932 0944


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