How to Change PLDT HOME DSL WIFI name and password 2018

Many of my friends, colleagues, relatives and members of my family asked me how to change their PLDT HOME DSL WIFI name and password. I’ve been getting a lot of this question especially for security reasons of their WIFI service. Also, having been with PLDT DSL service for more than a decade now, so I’ve decided to create this simple guide for everyone.

Why do I need to change my WIFI name and password?
Changing your WIFI name and password will prevent your neighbors or unauthorized device to connect and use your internet for free. If you’re experiencing slow internet recently and you never had changed your password since you got your PLDT DSL WIFI service, I guess it’s about time to do that right now.

How would they know my WIFI name and WIFI password?
If someone found out your default PLDT HOME DSL wifi name(PLDTHOMEDSL), and still in default password then Boom! You got hack without even knowing it. As good practice, you should always personalize your WIFI name and password on the same day the service started.


If you’re planning to change your WIFI name and password now, here’s the step-by-step procedure for you.

How to change PLDT HOME DSL WIFI name:

1. Find an Ethernet cable and connect your pc directly to the router. This will keep your connection alive after having your WIFI name change, because all connected WIFI devices will be disconnected from the router.

2. Open your internet browser and go to PLDT admin page at If you can’t access the admin page, you may check this simple guide to get you going.

2. Enter your router’s username and password or you may try the default credentials below:
Username: ptdtadmin OR adminpldt
Password: 123456789


Username: admin
Password: 1234

Note: If you don’t know your username and password, use this guide to get your password.

3. Once you’re already in admin page, click “SET-UP” from the menu, under “WLAN“, then “BASIC“. how-can-i-change-my-password-in-pldt-home-dsl

4. Under “Wireless Basic Settings” window, look for “SSID” field and enter the name extension of your WIFI. As you can see, my WIFI name says “PLDTHOMEDSL_RESTRICTED“. Take note, you cannot remove the “PLDTHOMEDSL” name, you can only add a name extension to it. Once done, click on “Apply changes” button. how-can-i-change-my-password-in-pldt-home-dsl

5. You will see WLAN is restarting, just wait for

6. Once restart is done, don’t close the admin page yet, you will notice a notification on the left side says “Attention Config is modified to make it effective forever!“. Hit “save”  button to have your changes saved from the router and you’re done!how-can-i-change-my-password-in-pldt-home-dsl

How to change PLDT HOME DSL WIFI password:

Changing your WIFI password is easy as you’re changing your WIFI name. Let’s go back to the admin page and follow the steps below:

1. Go back to “SETUP” menu, under “WLAN“,  then click on “Security” this time.

2. Look for “Pre-Shared Key:” box, then enter your new WIFI password. Once done, click “Apply Changes” button. how-can-i-change-my-wifi-password-pldt-home-dsl

3. Wait as WLAN will restart again. Click the “save” button from a notification on the left side. how-can-i-change-my-password-in-pldt-home-dsl

4. Turn off your router then turn it back on again, then check if the changes have been saved.

Note: If you have a bigger place like mine or working in an office setup, and you feel you need a wider range of WiFi signal, I would recommend to use a WiFi extender. Check this article on how to extend your WiFi signal at home.

I hope this guide does helps you. If you have other concerns, you may always call PLDT hotline at 171 for further assistance.


  • How can i change my password in pldt home dsl? – This is the perfect guide for you.
  • How much is pldt home dsl? – They have plan 1299, 1699, 2899, and 3499.
  • How to apply pldt home dsl? – You may check their application requirements here.
  • How to hack pldt home dsl? – Yes, I’m an IT, but I don’t entertain those questions.
  • How to speed test pldt home dsl? – Go to and test your connection from there.

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  1. Hello, good evening. Would just like to ask immediate assistance. My friend followed your guide on how to change PLDT wifi password, but got stuck on this part. She can’t change any of the values on the security page. Need your advice. Thank you in advance. πŸ™‚

    Image for reference:

    • Try to power cycle the router first then change the “SSID Type”. Let me know if that helps.

  2. how to change without ethernet?since im using a macbook

  3. Hello. Good Day! I followed all your instructions and used all the usernames and password on how to change my pldt wifi password and name.. But I can’t log in to the router.. Thanks in advance..

  4. markallen says

    can anyone help meeee?:( its said that username or password is error try again?

  5. I’m trying to log in using pldtadmin/adminpldt but it won’t let me in. What’s the problem?

  6. there is no save to click on.. it remains the same.

  7. Hello. There’s no set-up tab in Only status and network.

  8. access to adminpldt or pldtadmin is now not available. i don’t know why the fuck they did that.

  9. Attention Config is modified to make it effective forever!


  10. Hello sir, iam currently trying to make our old pldt router as a repeater/access point, tried to plug it in directly sa new router, syempre didnt work. Was looking at few articles and they say disable DHCP and change the ip address. Not sure how to do it because I cant change those settings in the admin page. TIA

  11. I used the ethernet cable but i don’t where to put it on router. Is it LAN 1?2?3?4?

  12. Mary Grace Ong says


    I’m actually doing this before I even read your blog… But right now, i can’t go thru na on pldtadmin username…
    It says username and password error..

    Do you know the reason why? Thank you!

  13. Hi!

    I configured our wifi where in I only have certain MAC addresses allowed to connect. Now, the DSL setup page was updated and there’s no option to add MAC address (or I just overlook that option). Can you advise any other option so I can add another mac address that can connect to our wifi?


  14. ricardo nery says

    there is no save config notif after I apply changes, what should I do? please help

  15. Janice a. Acosta says

    I can’t change the password why it is error i can’t access to even though i hard reset our router anyone who can help me thanks

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