How to Apply for SSS Peso Fund

Additional savings in SSS is accepted and available to those who have the capability to invest more money to get bigger benefits in the future in return.

SSS P.E.S.O (Personal Equity and Savings Option) Fund is exclusive for SSS members but not necessarily a compulsory to individual.

The main purpose of SSS Peso Fund is to help people to save more from their excess fund. Why

Why might you be interested in SSS P.E.S.O Fund?

  • It gives you better and secured benefits in the future.
  • The tax and benefits that you will receive is tax-free.
  • The earning you will receive is guaranteed.

Who are qualified to join the SSS PESO Fund?

Self-employed (SE), Employees, and Voluntary Members (VM) can join in the SSS Peso Fund, but same with SSS benefits, PESO Fund have their requirement that individuals should meet. read more

How to Avail of SSS Sickness Benefit

The Philippine Social Security System gives benefit to those who are unable to work due to sickness or injury.

The sickness benefit covers the salary of the days that the sick or injured beneficiary was unable to work or do the job.

What are the requirements to qualify for SSS sickness benefit?

  1. He/She is confined at the hospital or at home for at least four (4) days due to sickness or injury.
  2. Before the semester of sickness or injury, he/she must have been paid the 3-month contribution within the 12-month period immediately.
  3. All the current company sick must be completely used up with pay; and
  4. He/She must notify the ER, or SSS employee, and if separated from employment, he/she must notify the VM or SE about his/her sickness or injury.

The question is how much SSS benefit will be given to the beneficiary?

The amount of benefit that will be given depends on the SSS members’ average daily salary. The SSS will give the 90% portion of the salary to the SSS member.

How is the SSS Sickness Benefit computed? 

  1. The semester of sickness is excluded.

What is semester?

  • That is in the ending of quarter of sickness, there is two consecutive quarters.

Then what is quarter?

  • It is referring to the three consecutive months ending March, June, September or December.
  1. At the time before the semester of sickness will be the start on counting backwards the twelve (12) months backward.
  2. Within the 12-month period, identify the six (6) highest Monthly Salary Credit (MSC).

What is Monthly Salary Credit or MSC? read more

Things you need to know about SSS Retirement Benefit

Have you ever thought of saving and investing for your future?

Securing your future is something to think about especially after your retirement.

Maybe you are working with your first job and living in your 20’s with nothing much to worry about, but have you ever thought that investing in early age is advantageous for you when the time comes?

Plan your future now and start to secure your tomorrow

SSS Pension Plan is something to help you secure your future when you turn 60 and you can’t take jobs anymore. There are two types of retirement benefit: read more