What are the Benefits and Privileges for Senior Citizens?


Do you have a Senior Citizen in your household? Are they aware of the benefits and privileges that they are entitled to?

Well, aside from the express or priority lanes that we commonly see in many areas, there’s actually a long list of Senior Citizen privileges.

And while they may not need or be eligible to avail every single benefit or privilege in the list, it certainly pays to know what they can enjoy as a Senior Citizen.

Here are some of the benefits and privileges for Senior Citizens in the Philippines.

20% Discount on Purchases

1. 20% Discount on Medicines and Medical Check-ups

Senior Citizens can purchase products and/or services at a discounted price – that is 20% discount. This includes the purchase of his or her medicines, medical equipment, medical check-ups, and professional fees of the senior citizen’s attending physician.

2. 20% Discount on Transportation

Senior Citizens are entitled to get 20% discount off their fare for domestic air, sea travel, LRT, MRT, PNR, buses, jeepneys, taxi, shuttle services, and also when purchasing domestic flight tickets online (only the base fare is discounted).

3. 20% Discount on Hotels, Restaurants, and Recreation Centers

Senior Citizens are entitled to get 20% discount off their food, hotel room accommodation and other hotel amenities; recreation centers such as venues for ballroom dancing or yoga, gyms, and sports facilities, and in places of leisure such as cinemas, parks, museums, etc.

The 20% discount is for the senior citizen’s personal consumption only and cannot be used for non-senior citizen’s purchases.

4. 20% Discount on Funeral and Burial Services

Upon the demise of the senior citizen, the beneficiary or the person who shoulder the funeral and burial expenses such as casket or urn, embalming or cremation, can avail of the 20% discount upon presentation of the death certificate.

Rules when availing of the 20% Discount for Senior Citizens

  • Credit card paymentsSenior Citizens who purchase items or services and pay through credit cards can still avail of the 20% discount
  • No double discounts – If there is a promo in the store or establishment, the senior citizen cannot use his or 20% discount on top of the promo discount. He has to choose whether he will choose his 20% discount or the current promo discount.
  • PWD or Senior Citizen Discount – If the senior citizen is also a person with disability (PWD), he can either use his OSCA-issued ID card or PWD ID card to avail of the 20% discount.

5% Discount on Utility Bills (Water and Electricity) 

Senior Citizens whose Utility Bills are registered in their name for a minimum period of 1 year, are entitled to a minimum of 5% discount relative to the monthly utilization of water and electricity.
This discount will be granted to the households with senior citizens provided:
  • The monthly consumption does not exceed one hundred kilowatt hours (100 kWh) of electricity and thirty cubic meters (30 m’) of water.
  • The privilege is granted per household regardless of the number of senior citizens residing in the same household.
In order to avail of the 5% discount in Utility Bills, the qualified senior citizen may apply personally or through a representative. He needs to submit the following requirements:
  • Proof of age and citizenship
  • Proof of residence
  • Proof of billing (must be under the name of the senior citizen for a period of one year)

The application of renewal for this benefit to the utility provider is done annually.


Additional Government Assistance for Senior Citizens

Social Pension 

To augment the daily needs of the indigent senior citizes, a monthly stipend amounting to Php 500.00 will be granted to them.

Mandatory PhilHealth coverage

All senior citizens shall be covered by PhilHealth.

Social safety nets

Social safety assistance to senior citizens such as food, medicines, and financial assistance for domicile repair will be given to the affected senior citizen in the event of economic shocks, disasters, and calamities.

Death benefit assistance

A death benefit assistance of a minimum of Php 2,000.00 will be given to the nearest surviving relative who took care of the deceased indigent senior citizen until his or her death.

FREEBIES for Senior Citizens

FREE medical and dental services in government facilities

Senior Citizens are entitled to FREE Medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory tests that are requested by the attending physician including X-Rays, CT Scans, and Blood Tests. Professional fees of attending physicians in government facilities are also free of charge for Senior Citizens.

FREE vaccinations for indigent senior citizens

Indigent Senior Citizens are entitled to FREE vaccinations against the influenza virus and pneumococcal disease.

The benefits and privileges of senior citizens in the Philippines are supported by the following laws:

  • Republic Act No. 7432 – “An Act to maximize the contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and for other Purposes.”
  • Republic Act No. 9994 – “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.”
  • Republic Act No. 10645 – “An Act providing for the Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage for all Senior Citizens, amending for the purpose of Republic Act No. 7432, as amended by Republic Act No. 9994, otherwise known as the “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.”

Awareness of these benefits and privileges for senior citizens will not only boost their morale as seniors but also will it be a great help to their personal needs and their families who support them.

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